Rania Soliman
Faith-Based & Trauma-Informed
Personal Development Coach
Professional Development Mentor
Support Groups

Virtual and in-person groups are generally between 60 - 90 minutes depending on the structure and theme of the group. I offer a variatey of modalities and techniques tailored to the type of group. Not all groups allow time for coaching since the focus is more on the healing journey, self-awareness and personal and professional development.
( group packages and fees vary )
My groups are not a replacement or a substitute for therapy. Groups are educational, informative and present and future focused. The groups are holistic based and somatic focused therefore, so they are naturally therapeutic. They are offered from a Trauma-Aware and a Faith-Based approach and perspective. Groups are designed to promote safety, trust and self-awareness. The groups are a safe space for women to empower one another, ask questions, gain insight and knowledge. Each class/session is designed to create a sense of sisterhood and a space for women to feel courageous about decisions they have to make regarding their personal and professional.
group options
SELF-HELP & Faith-based GROUPS
Groups are led from an Islamic perspective and welcomes members from all spiritual backgrounds. These groups bring members from anxiety to peace, from hopelessness to hope, from confusion to clarity, from isolation to community, from misinformed to educated, and from being overwhelmed to being equipped.
Support groups help individuals find a sense of community that soothes isolation, and serves the overall group by understanding that others have gone through similar experiences or struggles, and share similar emotions, feelings and thoughts. This can include but not limited to single mothers groups and divorced women groups.
Great for clients who are stressed-out, sad, anxious, irritated, or angry. Mindfulness is the practice of being at ease with what is. The more an a client practices, the easier it gets to be more accepting of whatever feelings are present, while calmly acknowledging and accepting our feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations is used as a therapeutic technique. It can be difficult for many clients to sit with uncomfortable emotions, especially when it feels like there's no way out. The cool thing about mindfulness is that it can be practiced by anyone including children. So whether a person wants to learn to get in touch with their own emotions or teach mindfulness to their children, there are benefits in it for everyone.
BREATH WORk groups
When we're stressed or anxious, we tend to take shallow, rapid breaths, which can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety. Breath work can help to improve breathing patterns by encouraging slower, deeper breaths. This can help to reduce feelings of anxiety, as well as improve overall lung function. Breath work healing groups are 60 minutes and can be done virtually. 30 minutes of educating why breath work is crucial for healing and for minimizing anxiety. 30 minutes of focusing on breathing in a way that honors the body.